Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My first blog

My first blog. Isn't it a hoot?

It was just a few years ago that Ned Barnett introduced me to blogging, He has been very successful blogging. Ned knows a lot about a lot of things and has done a terrific job of not only getting his thoughts out to his followers but while doing so has established himself as a noted expert on a variety of topics.

So, four years later I start my own blog. My thanks to Ned for his leadership, and to Brian Austin for introducing me to Ned. I also would like to tip my hat to Dana Cadman for giving me the nudge I needed to begin my blogging journey and for Steven Graff's support of the idea. I guess I can't be accused of being spontaneous.

My topic is everything related to selling. I have ideas and opinions on everything having to do with the sales profession and am looking forward to sharing my thoughts with those who are interested, over time. Thus the title BilbreyOnSelling.

Tune in once in a while for some good stuff.

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