Thursday, October 24, 2013

Do Not Give it Away

Why in the world would you give away something for free when you could charge for it? I am talking specifically about giving away your time. Your time is a most valuable asset.

Any of your time that is not used wisely reduces your earnings potential.

I will take the way back machine to the years that I sold medical supplies. My customers were individual doctors in private practice, clinics and some hospitals. I learned important career changing lessons from  the experience and from my colleagues.
Start with the undisputable truth that more sales calls equal more sales. There are some underlying qualifying rules. You have to know what you are talking about and you must not spend time with non-decision makers or customers who do not have a need. Follow those three simple rules and you will validate the fact that more sales calls equal more sales.

I worked with some great salespeople during that time. They sold a lot of stuff and made a lot of money. In order to do that, they made it their business not to waste their selling time. They didn’t waste their time and they did not let others waste their time either. They kept small talk to a minimum and honored prime selling hours. Prime selling hours are defined as the time that your customers are available to buy.
Day after day we made sales calls took orders for medical supplies and then wrote up the orders for our employer to process. It was a manual system. Order pads and pencils were our order entry tools. This was before we had computer systems to input orders. The top producers never wrote up their orders during the day. It was customary for them to write up their orders in the evening and hand them in every morning. Anything else interfered with their selling time. These boys knew how to make money. They earned more because they optimized their time and honored prime selling time.

Another lesson that I learned is that hospital purchasing departments are open from 7:00 AM until 3:30 PM. If you tried to make a sales call on them after 3:30 PM there would not be anyone to talk to.  On the other hand, if you made your calls early in the morning there were few competitors in the room. Not everyone follows the rules of time optimization.
In the 1980’s I sold computer billing systems to doctors. Doctors are very busy people. If I wanted the undivided attention of a doctor the very best time to get it was at the hospital in the morning. We would meet in the doctor’s lounge for coffee early in the morning before they made rounds or did surgery. By the way, there were never competitors hanging around then either.

The smart salespeople who are top producers and earners make the best use of their time. They don’t waste their own time and they do not let others waste their time.
This brings me to a friend of mine who started a business selling safety equipment. His systems needed to be engineered properly to work right. Early in his launch he learned his valuable lesson the hard way. In order to quote equipment and installation services he had to spend hours at the client site determining their needs. After his consultation he prepared a quote and waited for the order that didn’t come. He finally called and learned that his customer purchased the equipment on the Internet for less money. His consulting and documentation gave them everything they needed to cut him out of the business. Needless to say, he now charges for the consultation. His customer stole his time. That will never happen again.

Be aware of your time and how to optimize it for the greatest return. Do not give away something that is essential for your success.

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