Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home Grown Tomatoes

I took Friday off and planted my vegetable and flower garden.

Gardening Joy

There is something very special about taking a handful of seeds and watching them grow to become a robust crop of vegetable goodness that everyone enjoys and remembers. Guy Clark’s song “Homegrown Tomatoes” says it well. There is nothing as good as homegrown tomatoes. “There are only two things that money can’t buy…true love and homegrown tomatoes”. Yes, there is magic in a vegetable and flower garden.


I am very grateful that my dad taught me how to grow a garden. I’m carrying on the tradition, but I am also passing it on to my children and grandchildren so that they can enjoy the experience and yummy fresh vegetable harvest. I’m hoping that they will continue the garden tradition with their children and grandchildren.

It's a Process

So, let’s see. You start with seeds, cultivate the ground, plant, fertilize, water, weed and watch the seeds grow into a plentiful harvest. If you do the right things at the right time your garden will be a success.

Just Like Sales

This story could easily be about selling. If you take a step back, you will see a lot of similarities between growing a garden and building a sales pipeline. If you follow a process, work hard and stay focused, you will be rewarded with a harvest of business.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Any Road

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there” George Harrison.

I’ve gotten real tired of talk radio lately. I am even tried of music on the radio. It seems like they say or play the same old stuff over and over again. Garrison Keiller, where are you when I need you?

For my sanity, I started to dig out old CD’s from my cabinet. I have a stack of music that I haven’t heard in a while. Since I purchased this music, every CD represents something or someone I enjoyed hearing. I am delighted to have a cabinet full of happiness to help me on my way from stop to stop, now day-to-day.

Last week, I traveled with George Harrison’s “Brainwashed” in my car's CD player. The title of the first song was “Any Road”.

The message hit a nerve. The reason is simple. I continue to meet business people who really don’t have a handle on where they are going or how they are going to get there. The importance of a simple question that I ask, “When you arrive at your destination, where will you be?” was bolstered by George’s clever lyrics.

What bothers me is that too many people that I speak with don’t really have a workable game plan or even clear thoughts about what they really need to do, how they are going to do it and what the destination looks like. It’s sad.

If you really don’t know where you are going, please stop everything and get that question answered. When you do, you can get on a road that will take you there.